Rakibul Islam

Software Engineer


I like to think about problems and solve them in an efficient way. I am an ML enthusiast and familiar with AI. I have successfully completed software engineering courses like Design Pattern, Artificial Intelligence, Data Structure, Combinatorial Optimization, Object Oriented Programming etc. I like to stay around people and feel good around them. I want to be an entreprenuer in future but most importantly a good human being.

Work Experiences

Associate Software Engineer

Start Date : June 2021 End Date : Present

Software Engineer, R&D

Start Date : July 2020 End Date : Nov 2020

Software Engineer, Intern

Start Date : January 2020 End Date : July 2020


Android Feature Finder

Oct 2020– April 2021

A tool for finding features of android apps from it's execution traces. I used an instrumenter tool based on java for generating traces and used analyzer tool using unsupervised learning for finding features.
Technology: Java, Python
Platform: Desktop

Boimela Compass

Jan 2020 – Mar 2020

A moblie application for finding 700+ stalls in "Amor Ekushey Boimela".
Technology: Dart, Firebase
Platform: Flutter

Dhaka University Laal Bus

Jan 2019 – Jun 2019

A mobile application for tracking Dhaka University Buses.
Technology: Java, Node.js, MongoDB
Platform: Android

Block Chain Demo

Jan 2018 – Jul 2018

Security Checking for .txt file and .bmp file.
Technology: Java
Algorithm: SHA-256
Platform: Desktop

Extra Curricular Activities


IIT Software Engineers' Community | January 2020 - Present
  • Organized online national IT fest ITVerse 2020
  • Organized Female IT awareness workshop TechCrunch 2.0 nationwide with Asian Development Bank.
  • Created project Fight For Life and donated 200K+ BDT. in Corona lockdown times with IITDU Alumni

Youth Lead

British Council | December 2017 - Present

British Council and The Hunger Project BD. gave training for creating awareness among general people about social issues. We the youth leaders aware people in different issues.

IT Project Manager

Time's Up | 2017- Present

We formed a group of people through a training arranged by British Council and we work together for creating awareness about ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE. We aware people in school,college by arranging seminar,giving leaflets in different occasions.

Co-founder and Volunteer

Baliadangi Math Club | 2017- Present

A group of people from different public Universities work together to teach maths to the rural children. We arrange seminars, olympiads to grow the interest in maths.